
Halloween Candy Deployment to Operation Gratitude

Are you looking for somthing to do with all of that Halloween candy??

There is a wonderful organization called Opperation Gratitiude that takes candy (as well as, other donations) and sends it to our troops! How great is that! 

I know for me on a rough day my favorite candy can really do the soul good. Imagine that for our soldiers, being able to open a box full of candy from the States. 

My daughter kept some lollipops and she put the rest in a box and mailed it off with a "picture" she drew (aka scribbles on a page). 

You include a donation form that you can find HERE. We donated a pound and it put it in a small durable cardboard box. If you are donating more it's probably smartest to send it in a small flat rate box thru USPS to keep the shipping cost low. 

We decided to take our daughter to the toy store and let her pick out a toy for sending off her candy. My daughter is only 2 and had never experienced the toy store wonder before. I think she walked around the store for an hour before deciding on a Doc Mc Stuffins little medical kit. I may have guided her to that decision... She was seriously just happy walking around and didn't care to pick one out. 

I enjoy teaching my daughter to think of others. Even if the concept is hard for her to grasp now, my hope is that it will become second nature for my family. 

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