
Did You Know...

So this is going to sound like I am very crazed to some people, or maybe it will sound normal. But the average reaction I get is that I am crazed.  

At my house we don't have a microwave. 

I know it really isn't that big of a deal but when you think about it, an average person uses a microwave everyday. Most likely multiple times a day. We have been microwave-less for over two years! We are a microwave-less family because we had moved into a new apartment and it did not come with a microwave and at first we planned on getting one, but then I kind of enjoyed the idea of not cooking my food in a minute. 

At first it was so hard and difficult, now I don't even think twice about it. Why am I sharing the fact that we are microwave-less?? Because now I kind of want one... but I really don't want one, but I do.... See the problem! 

I am not worried about microwave radiation, even tho that does sound so scary as I type it. My thought behind it is, most of the food you cook in a microwave is food you really should not be eating anyways. Also, you can heat all your food up in the oven or stove top, yes it takes longer but its really not that much longer. Food tastes so much better when its not reheated in the microwave too! 

So why do I want one? Well the Hubbers will some times complain about wanting to reheat a cup of coffee and I some times will complain about softening butter in the over. On average I don't mind it at all and he really doesn't either. One of the most annoying things about not having a microwave is allot of foods only have microwave heating instructions! 

Baby Buttercup will be here in just a short time and some are saying I will need a microwave to heat up her bottles. I always thought you can run them under hot water to heat up as well. Yes, it will not be as fast as a zap in the microwave but it will be just as warm.

So its really not a big issue but I feel like if I get a microwave I am like going to become one of those lazy people that eats microwave dinners and cops out for dinner and lunches.  Hubbres will be eating all things frozen. EEWWWWW!!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

just flippen get one haha

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