
Gender Reveal Party & Video Reaction

So I went to one of those early gender ultra sound places and was able to find out the sex of Baby Buttercup at 13 weeks exactly. Are you a little skeptical..?? SO WAS I! But they say it 99% accuracy.... 

My sister Savannah was the only one who knew the gender of the baby, I had the technician write it down and hand the pictures to her. It was killing me that I had to wait a day to find out, but I wanted to find out with the rest of my family. It turned out to be a really special moment that we all shared together. 

We went with a mustaches vs bows instead of a typical girls vs boys. The colors, grey for boy and yellow for girl. I am not fan of the baby blue and bright pink thing.

****Please watch the video at the very bottom! 

Invitation that my amazing brother made

We all had a lot of fun with name ideas!

The food was all of my pregnancy cravings

 Savannah had put a blue or pink chocolate in the center of the cupcakes, so when we all took a bite...GENDER REVEAL!!! 

As you can see I was gender neutral-boy or girl I do not care, I am just happy with a baby! 

 We made these fun chocolate lollipops

Here is the vide of us all finding out together. I look upset but that is my shocked face. Finding out the gender of the baby made my pregnancy become very real, it was like I was finding out I was pregnant again. 

To be honest I wanted to cry and throw up all at the same time. I was so nervous and excited to find out the sex of our baby! 
I did not take a bite of the cupcake because 1. I was so nervous and I knew I was being recorded & 
2. sweets at that time made me a little nauseous.  

 Colour Her Hope is where we got some inspiration.


Tiffany said...

So cute! I love everything!

Anonymous said...

One of the BEST days of our life's. Thank you Heather for making us all wait. We always loved your party planing.

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